Flotsam 2023 Island Collection Trip
Flotsam and Jetsam by Latitude Jewellers volunteers headed to the Abrolhos Islands for their annual Flotsam and Jetsam clean up which started on Clean Up Australia Day. 7 tonnes was collected this year from the shores of the islands over 3 days. Huge ropes from ships, fishing gear, plastic bottles, driftwood discarded from ships was all found. They worked hard and dedicated to help clean up the environment for birds and sealife that live at the islands.
“Being in our 12 year now the rubbish is definitely less which gives more time to focus on the smaller broken plastics that are scattered over the islands” said Pia Boschetti, Latitude Jewellers Founder.
Working alongside Dr Chris Surman who analyses the debri found in bird nesting ground was very interesting. Fascinating to see what the birds actually collect themselves to feather their nests.
Flotsam and Jetsam by Latitude Jewellers is committed to the support of arts and culture and this year they brought a young Opera singer, Noah Humich, over to the Islands to perform for the volunteers and filmed his performance.
Such an incredible opportunity to embrace arts and work to deepen humanity’s connection to the natural world.
The Flotsam was all brought back and unloaded on the wharf for the local artists to come and select their materials.
There was so much but within one hour, it was nearly all gone! It was hard to believe how it went so quick. So excited to see how the artists from our community transform the rubbish into art for the 2023 Flotsam and Jetsam Art Exhibition. Everyone is welcome to come to the Opening Night on 29th April at Latitude Jewellers. Find out more about opening night here
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