I can’t believe how Flotsam comes around so quickly, I feel like we have just finished last years. Why does time fly so quick these days?
I'm super excited about this years theme 'Tribute to The Animal Kingdom'. I'm imagining some nice big artworks being created with the passion we all have for caring for nature... we love our animals of the world 🌎. I think this years theme will create so much inspiration and creativity. I’m looking forward to photographing some extra special pieces on the beach at the Abrolhos too!
I’m actually looking forward to all of it... the collection, the preparations and then the opening night! Which this year will be an open event... like we used to do before all the lockdowns, that means we can invite everyone to come and be a part of it.
Flotsam has been going now since 2011, wow, who would have thought each year we could continue on with this unique clean up and give back initiative. I’m also wondering if there will be much flotsam laying around at the Abrolhos Islands (home of our pearl farm), so I’ve organised some lovely people from the other island groups to see if they can collect from their regions.
We're excited to welcome onboard new sponsors
Seastock, Red Dust Holdings, Shine Aviation and of course we deeply appreciate the continued support of our sponsors Sikoya Design, Karl Monaghan Photography and Framing, Bhagwan Marine, Batavia Coast Maritime Heritage Association, Getaway Outdoors, Young Motors, Abrolhos Aquaculture and Latitude Jewellers (Latitude Fisheries). We are also very grateful to Midwest Ports for awarding us a grant towards our project.
This exhibition is a great opportunity for everyone to enter in an art competition. It also offers the opportunity for new people to enter the world of art, with no expectations!!!
Once again we will proudly display Flotsam + Jetsam 2023 at our Latitude Jewellers Showroom, 169 Marine Terrace, Geraldton. I look forward to all the visitors that will see the incredible and creative works. AND I’m even more excited about supporting all the artists with their wonderful creations and the stories their artworks tell... every artwork tells a story.
To keep up to date with Flotsam it’s handy to follow us on social media the Flotsam and Jetsam by Latitude Jewellers is both on Instagram and Facebook find out more info here about exhibition and how to enter . Why not join the Flotsam + Jetsam journey with us.
Enjoy your day
Pia Boschetti. Aka the_girl_who_grows_the_pearl