From the Pearl Farm – With Pia Boschetti
Hello everyone!
I wanted to share a little update from the pearl farm located at the Abrolhos Islands, where things have been busy and exciting. Recently, we’ve been focusing a lot on cleaning our pearl shells, and I’m happy to report that they’re growing beautifully! You might remember that last time, we conducted a hatchery run here at the Abrolhos Islands, where we successfully bred black lip pearl oysters (Pinctada Margaritifera), scallop shells, and even the beautiful Penguin Pearl Oysters (Pteria Penguin). We ran all three at the same time, which was a big job, but the results have been amazing.

We’ve also started trialling seeding on the Penguin Pearl Shells. It’s a bit tricky because inserting the nuclei can be challenging, but the nacre they produce is simply stunning. I’m really excited to see how they turn out!

In terms of growing out the oysters, we’ve been experimenting with a method called Chaplets. Instead of using our traditional panel method, we’re tying the oysters to ropes hanging from longlines. It’s a bit of a change for us, but the Penguin Pearl Oysters grow much quicker and larger than our typical Black Lip Pearl Oysters, so we’re eager to see the results.

Now, for those of you who know anything about pearling, you’ll understand what a challenge it is to have the patience to wait for the pearls to grow. We’re in the process of waiting 2 years to see what the future holds with these oysters. Who knows – maybe they’ll lay the nacre quicker, and we’ll be able to harvest in just 18 months! It’s all trial and error, but it’s that process of testing, learning, and sometimes failing that makes the success so sweet.
That’s pretty much the life of a pearl farmer – trial, error, and then, with a lot of patience, success. It’s not always easy, but there’s nothing more rewarding than seeing those beautiful pearls shine when they’re finally ready.
Side Note:
We also managed to carve out a bit of time to take the kids out to pull the cray pots, and what a catch we got! Western Rock Lobsters – absolutely delicious and a real treat for the whole family. It’s moments like these that make me feel so lucky to work in such a wonderful and fruitful region.

Thanks for following along with me, and I’ll be sure to keep you updated on how things progress on the farm!
Want to learn more about our Latitude Abrolhos Island Pearls and why they are so unique? Read more
Want to see pieces featuring our pearls? Here
Until next time,