Flotsam 2024 - Plantasia - A note from Founder Pia Boschetti
Opening Night is done and dusted! What a fabulous night it was.
It was incredible to see every artist’s work displayed so beautifully in our showroom, just as I had imagined. Each artwork truly shined, making the event magical.
The theme for this year, was beautifully incorporated. Plantasia, meaning plant life above and below the sea plus the life that lives amongst it. We had beautiful garden scenes, landscapes, a selection of animals and sea life even an echidna made of old cray floats and then decorated with painted plastic flowers and foam. Everything had such a pretty touch to it.
It was a pleasure to announce the awards on such a wonderful night. Judging was incredibly challenging, as every piece felt deserving of recognition!
The Flotsam and Jetsam Recycling Award was won by, first time entrant, Jay Willey for his piece titled 'Dhuey's Cottage'. He delivered an amazing speech about what it meant to him. Overwhelmed in emotion reciting a comment after his speech that he felt the Flotsam project repurposed him as well. It's comments like these that continue to inspire us to continue with the project.
The Runner Up for the Recycling Award was given to Pamela Riggs for her piece titled 'Whimsy Symphony'.
Narelle Phillips for her piece titled 'Tree to Sea' was a piece receiving Highly Commendation. This piece capturing a mystical element which reminded me of the tree from Avatar and a wave from Moana.
The Artist View Award which is an artwork created using some of the flotsam combined with the artists medium of their choice, was awarded to Stephanie Alcock with her version of Van Gogh’s sunflowers, titled 'Vincent's Sunflowers'. This award sponsored by Red Dust Holdings and Seastock WA.
Runner Up Artist View was awarded to Erica Starling with her piece titled 'Sea Cells'.
Verity Pearce with her piece titled 'You’re Un-Bee-Lievable' received the Best Theme Award sponsored by Siquoia Olman from Sikoya Design with her piece representing the Queen Bee having a little party in her hive.

Many awards were given out throughout the night, and this year, we introduced three categories for the Young Flotsie Awards. It’s truly wonderful to see these young individuals not only caring deeply about our oceans but also being exposed to the art world at such a young age.
We have George McDonald’s piece titled 'John Wick'.
Lucy Carter’s piece titled 'Plantasia'.
Tarlah and Faelan Smith titled 'Viewers Perception'.
Frankie Nicholson titled 'Frankie the Fantastic Fairy in Her Garden'.
The sponsors for the Young Flotsies were Getaway Outdoor Geraldton and Kids Hub Training & Consultancy.
Latitude Jewellers Choice Award given to Janine Glasson with her piece titled 'Illuminous Fungi'. I think you'll agree this piece photographed perfectly on the beach! the Use of old floats and driftwood simply beautiful.
The Gemma Allen Memorial Award which is an award so special to our hearts – Gemma was a strong supporter of the Flotsam Exhibition from the very beginning since 2011. We remember her always and this award is just something we can do to remember and honour her. This years winner was Elizabeth Turner who is a long time entrant and supporter of the exhibition with her piece titled 'Maggies at Play in the Flower Garden'.
People's Choice Award was given to Brittni Barlow with her piece titled 'Under the Sea' Sponsored by Mid West Ports Authority
This year a local group wanted to award a prized based on plants they are known as FROGGS Friends of Geraldton Gardens. They awarded Loz Williams this with her piece titled 'Banksia Abrolhioso'.
I am incredibly proud of all the artists who entered, as well as the volunteers, organisers, and sponsors. The immense effort put in by everyone involved is truly remarkable.
As the exhibition ran for three weeks, many viewers and artists commented on how bright, fun, and beautiful the colors were. With the theme of Plantasia, I feel the artists really embraced and fulfilled the brief. While the theme is often thought to be mandatory, it’s actually always optional. However, over the years, we’ve found that entrants love having a guide for inspiration.
Today marks the end of the exhibition, and while I feel a little sad to see the pieces leaving the showroom, I know in my heart that those who chose to sell their work feel good about their art being appreciated somewhere in the world. For those who decided to keep their artwork, I respect their choice to cherish it at home forever.
The connections we’ve made throughout the exhibition are a priceless reward for everyone involved.
View the Flotsam + Jetsam Exhibition 2024 Tour - guided my me here.
Thank you for the community, the volunteers, the sponsors and the team at Latitude Jewellers for making it all happen.
Our Sponsors:
Red Dust Holdings
Sikoya Design
Seastock WA
Getaway Outdoors Geraldton
Vaughan Cp Louwrens
Shine Aviation Services
Youngs On the Highway
Halfmoon Biosciences
Bhagwan Marine
Dongara Marine Pty Ltd
Batavia Coast Maritime Heritage Association
Abrolhos Aquaculture Australia
Mid West Ports Authority
Latitude Jewellers
Hit WA
Kids Hub
Latitude Direct
Keep Australia Beautiful WA
Kind Regards
Pia Boschetti
The Girl Who Grows the Pearl